
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who is responsible for City of Brampton's vendetta against dogs?

By now, most people are familiar with the outrageous behaviour of Brampton Animal Control (and complicit agreement by the city of Brampton officials) in the case of Brittany and Rambo (who thank god, are now home). 

First, KUDOS to the Brampton Guardian for an outstanding, unbiased and superb investigation into the actions of small-minded, petty bureaucrats and for showing them- through good journalism - up for what they are - people, who for some unknown reason, have a vendetta against dogs in the city of Brampton.

The sad reality is that this case was not isolated.  In an article from April 22, the Guardian details a number of other similar illegal seizures of dogs that were clearly, patently and through expert testimony (vets) NOT pit bulls and with the same petty, arrogant and misplaced sense of superiority, forced owners to follow a course of action which cost them money, time, anguish and heartache.  And that is for the dogs that owners were able to SAVE - stats show that 19 dogs were euthanized - whose owners were unwilling, unable or uninformed enough to fight .  I would love to know how many of those dogs were ACTUALLY pit bulls - how many were actually seized as a result of a complaint, how many of those dogs had valid reasons to be euthanized other than some small-minded, petty idiot in Brampton decided they didn't like the look of the dog - and were scared of them (because sadly, it is cowardice and prejudice that often fuels these vendettas).

There has not been one city official who has shown true mettle in this entire debacle.  Hiding behind lawyers, bleating about the BSL legislation, REFUSING ultimately to take responsibility, admit to wrong - STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND ADMIT CULPABILITY. 

The City of Brampton certainly comes out looking bad in this whole mess.  Its politicians mewling cowards, its Animal Control arrogant, uninformed and vindictive.

If I were a resident of Brampton, I would be damn worried and would be keeping a sharp eye on when elections are forthcoming. 

Dog owners generally in Brampton would do well to heed what has been unfolding .... not just owners of dogs that have some passing resemblance to pit bulls but OTHER dog owners as well.  The reality that Brampton Animal Control and the City Government have basically got away with stampeding over resident rights, ignored legal imperatives, dismissed legitimate EXPERT testimony and in the end, not had to apologize, pay one red cent, reimburse or in any way compensate owners for the UNLAWFUL seizure and subsequent incarceration of what everyone agrees are wonderful dogs means YOUR dog may be next.

Pit bulls now (or in Brampton's case, anything that has four legs, a brindle coat and short ears) but other breeds next  .. it is a very real possibility that german shepherds, dobermans, rottweilers, heelers will soon follow suit ... the list is endless and the fear that ignorant people harbour infinite ....

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