
Monday, November 5, 2012

Off-leash, offhand.. NOPE - But Mallick has a hate on

Heather Mallick of the Star writes a vitriolic diatribe, ostensibly on Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong's somewhat questionable motion to have all parks after 9 p.m. designated off-leash for the unquestionably growing segment of dog owners in the City of Toronto.  

On an initial read, I was taken aback but actually agreed with Ms. Mallick as personal experience has taught me that a very large number of off-leash dogs shouldn't be.  Unless your dog responds immediately, unless your dog can focus in a potentially volatile situation, unless your dog understands the concept of space, is properly socialized and knows how to interact properly, then PLEASE do other dogs - and owners - a favour and keep your dog leashed.

As the owner of two rescue german shepherds who have their own complex set of hangups - including the necessity of proper introductions to other dogs (and for that matter people) - I have had my much loved hikes severely limited the past few years as the number of unmanageable and untrained dogs off-leash (i.e in non-designated areas) proliferate.  

However, the issue here is Ms. Mallick's acid denigration and wholesale condemnation of ALL dogs and their owners is unmistakably rooted in what I would even term hatred for our four legged buddies.

Damned if I am not yet again thrown in to yet another hated sub-group of this City!  It already seems like half the city hates the fact I like to cycle, now I'm being hate-bombed because I have dogs?

Seriously Toronto - you really need to understand that the very complexity of this City is part of its reality. That the incredibly workable mix of cultures, sub-cultures, religions, colours, genders and everything else are what makes this City the one it is. Further, there really IS room for all of us here!  A simple understanding that we all SHARE what this City offers would go a long way to deflating a lot of bruised egos; a grasp of the concept we all learned in kindergarten would really help make life here in this busy place more pleasant, more grounded for all of us.

I DESPISE overkill in the sense that the majority are punished for the crimes of a very few.  I railed against my kids' schools if they punished a class for one child's transgression - and refused to tolerate the same kind of behaviour in my job - so please do not paint myself or the MAJORITY  of other responsible dog owners for the crimes of a few.  Deal instead with the ones that offend and come down heavy.

So Ms. Mallick - feel free to disagree with Councillor Minnan-Wong's suggestion - you'll find a lot of us "irresponsible" dog owners feel exactly the same. But your hatred (fear?) of dogs shines clearly through the rhetoric and attempted humour. You really need to face your fears and figure out why you have such a dislike of a creature that has stood beside human beings for thousands upon thousands of years.

I could easily come up with hundreds of examples of irresponsible parenting (from screaming kids in stores, unmanageable kids in restaurants, diapers left stinking up benches, etc)- but what's the point?  I know very well that most parents are responsible and muddle along the best they can - and frankly, most kids can be fun.  So I'm not going to condemn parents or kids for the bad behaviour of a few.

I suggest you get off your high horse, face your obvious fear and dislike of dogs and accept that they are an integral and growing part of the reality not just of this City but of any City.  The future brings with it an increasingly urban landscape - and just like drivers are going to have to figure out how to live in peace and share with cyclists - so too will the city dweller learn to accept and live in peace with those who chose to embrace dogs in their lives.

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